Unity in memory, strength in struggle

On February 20, Ukraine bows its head to honor the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred. On this day, we not only remember those who gave their lives for freedom but also reflect on the price of independence.

At Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, the memory of the Heroes was traditionally honored near the Memorial Obelisk dedicated to students and professors who died for Ukraine. Here, in the heart of the University, the name of Roman Huryk, a 19-year-old student who went to the Maidan and became a symbol of the fight for dignity and truth, always resonates.

Today, as the struggle continues, the memory of Roman and all those who gave their lives for our freedom is not only a source of sorrow but also a guiding light. Our University has already lost 59 of its students and alumni in the war against the Russian aggressor. These are not just numbers. They are the fates of young people who believed in Ukraine’s future and gave the most precious thing they had for it.

“We must be worthy of their heroism. Ukraine lives as long as we are united. We must not only remember but also act: learn, work, support the military, help those in need. Only in this way we can achieve victory,” emphasized Ihor Tsependa.