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- Публікації викладачів кафедри у Scopus та Web of science
- Dumchak,I., Kachmar, O., Mochalova, N., Oleksandrenko, K.,& Sidorova ,I Socio-cultural factors influencing student’s learning experience: a cross- cultural study . Revista Eduweb, 2024, 18 (3), 264-275. https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2024.18.03.20
- Kachmar, O, ; Gorodyska ,V; (…); Oksiutovych, M . Social policy for the development of educational inclusion in Ukrainian schools; a pedagogical analysis. Amazonia investiga.Apr.2024. 13(76), pp.128-140.
- Antonenko T., Kachmar O., Tsybulko O., Grachova T., Konovalova M. Scientific Approaches to Postmodern Spirituality: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects. Postmodern Openings Том:11. Випуск 2. С.200-214. Пр:1. DOI:10.18662/po/11.2Sup1/ 18 AUG . 2023
- Svitlana Kryshtanovych .,Taisiia Ratushna .,Nataliia Chubinska .,Myron Oleksiuk ., Oleksandra Kachmar.,Yevheniia Yemelianenko . Competencies in education through the development of the individual’s legal awareness in the conditions of a modern society.Cuestiones Políticas., 2023 DOI: 10.46398/cuestpol.4179.07 https://doi.org/10.46398/cuestpol.4179.07
- Voskoboinikova V. V., Mishchenko, O. Ya. Asauliuk I., Olefir D., Kopylova T., Kachmar O. V., Kalko K. O., Music therapy as an alternative approach to stress correction. Pharmacologyonline. 2021. Vol. 3. P.1951. 1956 https://pharmacologyonline.silae.it/files/archives/2021/vol3/PhOL_2021_3_A204_Voskoboinikova.pd
- Sarnavska O., YakovyshynaT., Kachmar O. The influence of the cultural of the third information revolution on the formation of personality in the M.Serres philosophical discourse. Postmodern Openings. Vol.12 №1. 2021/3/22. S. 241-253
- Kononenko O., Kononenko A., Stynska V., Kachmar O., Prokopiv L. Research of the factor structure of the model of world view settings at a young age Revista Inclusiones. Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. 2020. Volumen 7. Num.3. Julio-Septembre 2020. pp. 98-116. ISSN 0719-4706
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- HONCHARUK, V., ROZHI, I., DUTCHAK, O., POPLAVSKYI, M., RYBINSKA, Y., & HORBATIUK, N. (2021). Training of Future Geography Teachers to Local Lore and Tourist Work on the Basis of Competence Approach. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 2021, Volume 13, Issue 3, pages: 429-447. (Web of Science)
- Sydorchuk O., Kuchmyeyev O., Shykerynets V., Perederii V., Klimova A. Strategic Management of a Travel Company in the Conditions of Introduction of Modern Information Technologies. Academy of Strategic Management Journal. 2019. Volume 18, Special Issue 1 (1939-6104-18-SI-1-445).
- Petruk T., Skliar, H., Shukanova, A., Yemtsev, V., Shykerynets. establishment of entrepreneurial Activities in the field of green tourism in European countries. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 2020, 26(4), pp. 1–7
- Smyrnova I., Akimov O., Krasivskyу O., Shykerynets V., Kurovska I., Hrusheva A., Babych A. Analysis of The Application of Information and Innovation Experience in The Training of Public Administration Specialists. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.21 No.3, March 2021, pp. 1–7
- Kotliar L., Akimov O., Krasivskyу O., Shykerynets V., Kurovska I., Hrusheva A. Assessment of Possibility of Integration of Experience of Leading Countries 0f The World in Training of Public Administration Specialists. Sys Rev Pharm 2020;11(11):656-662, pp. 1
- Shykerynets V.V., Drichak S.V. Operative and strategic planning and prognostication of development of sociocultural sphere in Ukraine at local level. Карпатський край. Наукові студії з історії, культури, туризму. 2018. №10-11. С.203–210.